User Guide#

Setting up#

To use MIRA, you need a single-cell multiomics, scRNA-seq, or scATAC-seq experiment preprocessed and formatted as a peaks by cells count matrix for scATAC-seq and genes by cells count matrix for scRNA-seq. Before starting with MIRA, make sure to filter low quality cells, doublets, etc.

These tutorials also depend on scanpy. To install:

$ conda install -c conda-forge -c bioconda scanpy


The following tutorials cover the main functionalities of MIRA, starting from initial steps - topic modeling - and culminating in the identification of divergences between local chromatin accessibility and gene expression across genes and cell states.

Other Features#

These tutorials cover functionalities of MIRA that are useful, but outside of the main analysis track. Learn how to make beautiful and informative streamgraphs and use MIRA plotting functions with velocity data.


We will add more examples of MIRA analyses in the future! These examples may be run in Google Colab for an interactive experience.